Binance Staking’s THETA Staking Special Offer : Starting at 15:00 on August 17th, the THETA fixed staking interest rate has been increased for all possible durations.
Tokens fixed for 30, 60, or 120 days will earn increased interest over the standard annual interest rate for the duration of the promotion:

Rewards will arrive daily from 03:00 Kyiv time. At the end of the agreed staking period, the platform will return the staking crypto to the spot wallet. Tokens can be re-added to the staking pool either manually or using the automatic staking feature.
The indicators of the standard annual interest rate will resume after the end of the offer, the end date of which has not yet been announced by the platform.
Updated (August 18, 1:00 p.m.): the promotion will last until 2:59 p.m. on August 24, Kyiv time.

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