Icon alternative cryptocurrency – “Hypersvyaz with the world”

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Icon alternative cryptocurrency – “Hypersvyaz with the world”

Each of us knows the word and concept of “cryptocurrency”. It has come into life so that some states consider it as a full currency. ICON cryptocurrency has ICX. It is a decentralized service that is designed to combine various types of blockchain. At the moment, all large digital platforms are based on existing block chains. If two such sites interact, some difficulties may form. ICON is intended to correct such omissions, as well as stabilize the work.

This cryptocurrency platform can change the methods of interaction between various blockchains with each other. This project creates the largest one rank network in the world. The system has a group of independent blocks that function together. The service also facilitates the process of transactions.

Icon alternative cryptocurrency - 'Hypersvyaz with the world'

ICON slogan, “Hypersvyaz with the world” is incredibly logical, since the project is aimed at creating one of the largest decentralized networks that can be found anywhere, which allows you to use hyperlinks between countries and people. The ICON network is already actively operating, and the project plans to add even more opportunities to improve numerous functions. At the moment, only some of the ICON network communities include e -commerce, banks, universities, securities, insurance companies and hospitals. Decentralized applications provide advantages to both these communities and those that will use the network in the future.

Who is for icon

Usually, when people are developing a global project, they are faced with many nuances, the solution of which can take years. In this case, all difficulties were resolved promptly, thanks to the experienced and qualified composition. Several organizations participate in Icon, including Icon Foundation, a non -profit organization in Switzerland. The Fund will support the community in several ways, and lead the sale of ICON tokens.
Theeloop is a company specializing in the development of block engines with headquarters in Korea. She is responsible for the development of smart contracts and the development of ICON Nexus.
Finally, Dayli Intelligence provides Davinci, it is a solution to various technical issues using artificial intelligence, also optimizes the distribution and network. The ICON team is extensive: 8 advisers, 6 members of the Foundation Council, 13 people in Blochanda; 6 in the department of artificial intelligence, and 5 other members of the marketing, design and security team.

Technical features

Blockchain ID is one of the decentralized applications or Dapps, which make up the ICON network, and provides new levels of security and identification. Members of the financial security community can use it to verify identifiers in other communities. Blockchain ID works through Smart Contracts and saves time, checking your identity. He also automatically gives discounts, for example, to students.
Another DAPP is Payment & Exchange, which can work between communities, allowing the company in one community or industry to send money in another community. Icon Wallet can exchange, translate and resolve various currencies in real time using a decentralized exchange. This provides use for almost all industries, primarily banks, insurance companies and universities.

This is what ICO platform looks like

What are the advantages of icon?

ICON has a wide scale. It works with Bitcoin, Ethereum and other traditional chains. At the same time, he also works great with other third -party block networks associated with the real world. This allows Icon to combine the real world with a cryptomir, opening up new business opportunities.
The Icon network strives to be useful, which allows you to use Blockchain technology in everyday life. Throughout the development of the project, the team worked on the creation of real applications that will be used by real communities and enterprises. Icon will also have Davinci, which is already trusted by large financial institutions.
Thanks to the decentralized nature of the network, the community can interact and communicate with other people, even if they have different management structures. Anyone can join the network with their own DAPP, which has independent management.

How to get involved?

Becoming an icon republic is as simple as creating your own DAPP. Those who become part of the node receive rewards based on the effectiveness of iCon activation. The artificial intelligence system provides a fair distribution of remuneration, optimization of distribution and ensuring complete decentralization.
What you need to know about the sale of token
The sale of tokens for ICON ICX-Tokenes was closed in September 2017. The goal was 150,000 ETH, which was the only cryptocurrency accepted during the sale. The total number of tokens was 400.230.000 ICX with an exchange rate of 2500 ICX for each ETH. Fifty percent of available tokens were allocated for sale, and another 16 percent to the reserve. 14% went to the fund; 10% – community partners and strategy partners; and 10% – team, advisers and early depositors.

Icon alternative cryptocurrency - 'Hypersvyaz with the world'

The current cost of cryptocurrencies (Coinmarketcap data.com)

The maximum value is 12.64 USD (19.01.2018)
The minimum value is 0.397961 USD (28.ten.2017)

Registration on Coinbase

In order to work fully and safely with ICON, we recommend that you register in Coinbase. The system is very easy to use, regulated by the US government, is one of the safest and most authoritative places for buying cryptocurrency.
Coinbase offers the opportunity to purchase Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum using a credit or debit card or by sending a bank transfer. For cards, the transaction is slightly higher, but you will immediately get your currency.
When registering, it is necessary to perform some personality verification, since they must adhere to strict financial rules and restrictions.


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