Dentacoin cryptocurrency is a digital token placed on the Ethereum blockchain. Created to use and improve the dental industry around the world. The creators want every patient to pay dental services with it. If customers do not yet need dentacoin, for dentists this is the possibility of buying cheap equipment and materials.
Features of digital token
The idea of the founder of the project is to unite all doctors and customers into one large community. At the moment, the dentistry market is measured at $ 500 billion, more than 1.6 million dentists work separately, which leads to a low degree of industrialization. If you combine all dentists, they will be able to purchase equipment at a low price, develop new products, this will reduce the costs of marketing services.
History of occurrence
In February 2017, the Dentacoin Foundation created this project, which is already successfully used in several main clinics. More than 120 people work on it, some employees worked for a long time dentists. The company set for a goal to unite millions of doctors and customers into the community, which could soon be realized. The team has people from different countries, each of them attracts both large companies and ordinary people to use DCN.
If you look at the history of development, for such a short period of time, several important points can already be noted:
Principle of operation
DCN is an electronic currency, with which it will be possible to pay for various services in dentistry. People will be able to pay for their treatment, make coins with reviews about a specific clinic. Dentists will be able to profitably purchase equipment and materials. Cryptocurrency will save them from intermediaries.
Smart contracts
These are the main components of modern blockchain platforms. They allow you to prevent unilateral manipulation, because it is impossible to control the implementation of a smart contract. They give users independence, high speed and safety.
The client and the doctor will be able to interact through a smart contract. All individual smart options become part of one common model. It guarantees a person unique insurance. At the moment, the information is at the testing stage.
If you want to leave a recall of the dentist, it will be necessary to confirm the email address. A person will not be able to anonymously and without verification leave a response about the work of the dentist. The level of confidence in reviews will grow several times, and it will be easier for people to find a good dentist. You can find a certain dentist to write an anonymous review, but this will need to answer many questions.
The level of protection
The created database has a high level of protection, regularly updated. Provided only after request. Authorities and various bodies will not be able to intervene in the work. Networks have a decentralized infrastructure that cannot be controlled by one person or group of people.
DDOS protection
In the classical sense, mining is impossible. You can get coins for useful reviews. Only a patient of a particular dentist or clinic will be able to leave a review about her, which helps to make a response to the most reliable.
ERC20 and dentacoin tokens are available.
Number of coins in circulation for today
At the moment, 1.841 trillion has been released. 325.19 billion are on circulation, the rest are on user wallets.
The maximum possible number
8 trillions.
Capitalization for today
Cryptocurrency capitalization is 1.198 billion dollars.
Cost for today
The rate is 0.003686 dollars.
Electronic wallet eth.
https: // dentacoin.Com/
When starting
February 14, 2017.
Where to buy/sell
Cryptocurrency is included in the Coinmarketcap list. You can buy it on 5 different exchanges: Cryptopia, Mercatox, Coinexchange, Hitbtc and Etherdelta. The cost of coins is too low, the increase is slow, so you can’t sell DCN now.
Road map
In total, the creators imply 4 phases:

If the creators will act according to the plan, they have the opportunity to radically change dentistry by reducing the cost of services and doing work without different intermediaries.

Course for 2017
Minimum – 0.000056 dollars November 29 at 23:00.
Maximum – 0,000791 dollars December 27 15:54.
If you look at the changes from August 11 to December 31, a certain stability is visible. There was one leap in September, but the changes are predictable, because then they began to actively talk about dentacoin.

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