Cardano – new and modern cryptocurrency

Incryptico » Cardano — new and modern cryptocurrency
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Cardano - new and modern cryptocurrency

Cardano is a platform with ADA cryptocurrency, focused on decentralization and transparency of work, providing a stable algorithm for transferring the cost of various assets. This is a relatively new system created in September 2017 and based on the conclusion and maintenance of commercial contracts. Cardano operates in Haskell programming language.

The creation of the project was engaged in many people, companies and even educational institutions. In particular, University of Connecticut, University of Edinburgh and National and Kapodistrian University of Athens made their contribution. For several years of joint activity, they managed to form one of the most modern platforms, which differs from analogues with functional characteristics in general, and the benefit of using in particular.

Cardano in numbers

Cardano cryptocurrency (ADA) consists of a set of modern characteristics inherent in digital currencies:

  • Creation of new blocks for receiving remuneration in the form of new units is carried out in the Proof of Stake system.
  • The average cost on the exchange (taking into account the fluctuations of foreign exchange rates) is $ 0.41.
  • The maximum number of coins is 45 billion.
  • Transformation of funds (parts of net profit, dividends, etc. D.) is 10 billion, $ 700 million.

Unlike other platforms and cryptocurrencies applying for global, Cardano developers took into account all the shortcomings and critical market issues. In particular, to fight in the general Blockchain system with unproven security, the issue of regular monitoring with special authorities is openly considered, while maintaining the confidentiality and complete protection of users. For this, it is planned to create special software with long -term planning of multi -level package protocols

Conducting ICO, how to get tokens?

ICO, that is, the primary placement of coins, was carried out in several stages, and today this process is completely completed. It is impossible to get cryptocurrency by mining, but users can purchase tokens in several ways. Firstly, they are sold on a fairly large platform for the trade in bitcoin and ether-Bittrex. This method of obtaining ADA is difficult for residents of the CIS, since they will need to use the exchange service: bitcoins are bought for fiducial money, after which you can exchange them for ADA. Secondly, soon the next series of tokens will be released aimed at maintaining the functioning of the system as a whole, and the protocol in particular.

Of the total number of available tokens (45 billion), today 31 billion 112 million have been produced, of which:

  • 25 billion 927 million ADA were sold during the initial supply of coins on the market.
  • More than 5 billion coins are located in the support fund, between EMURGO and IOHK organizations.
  • The remaining 15 billion will be gradually produced to maintain the normal functioning of the protocol.

According to the developers, the main goal of Cardano cryptocurrency is a long -term stay in the market and the further development of software and protocols. This is evidenced by the fact that about 25% of the tokens received for the bloc obtained go to a specially established fund intended to finance third -party developers. The remaining 75% are received by people involved in the process of creating and maintaining the platform, as a reward.

Features of the ADA cryptocurrency

In addition to these advantages, Cardano has a number of distinguishing features from analogues. In particular, the algorithm based on the Wuroboros with strict security guarantees has a built -in FORK software function designed to change the protocol and recognition of the created blocks with old software. It is this fact that provides Cardano cryptocurrency for 2024, since a similar system in Blockchain is a rarity.

ADA course

The assumption that Cardano will grow in price in 2024, has objective grounds. Despite this, the currency continues to go unnoticed by most market participants. According to experts, this will continue until the company concludes the first deal with a large company, which should happen in the near future.

Today the average Cardano course is 0, 024856. It is sold on the Bittrex exchange, where the main auction is held. The ADA currency can be stored on a specialized Daedalus Wallet wallet, created specifically for it. You can download the wallet on the company’s website officially.

It is easy to install and use, allowing users:

  • Store several types of cryptocurrencies.
  • Track the history of transactions.
  • Use encryption of access and password keys.

In addition, it is planned to introduce other electronic wallet functions, including mobile applications on the iOS B Android platform.

Cardano cryptocurrency forecast for 2024

Today, the project is in an intermediate stage: it remains unnoticed by most of the market and plans to break into the game with its rules and innovative ideas. Development and updates are planned to be completed in the first half of 2024, and for now, users can actively use the almost finished version of the product. As the main guidelines, the developers note: scaling a project with the introduction of new technologies, creating a completely independent system with a guarantee of security for each user, as well as ensuring self -financing by conducting a competent policy of redistributing financial funds that entering the budget.

According to Coinmarket statistics, the company is included in the top 10, rapidly growing in the capitalization of cryptocurrencies: at the beginning of the existence of the company, the volume of coins was more than $ 500 million, now this figure increased several times, reaching $ 3 billion.

How to Get and Earn Cardano (ADA): Top Ways to Get and Earn Cardano in 2024

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