Altcoin Ethereum Classic is the very first competitor of bitcoin

Incryptico » Altcoin Ethereum Classic is the very first competitor of bitcoin
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Ethereum Classic (ETC) cryptocurrency refers to the most popular altcoins and is an original option, not a fork, as many believe. From the review, you can learn about how Ethereum appeared, what technical characteristics it possesses how you can get this cryptocurrency and what are its prospects.

Altcoin Ethereum Classic is the very first competitor of bitcoin

The main advantages of the ETC include:

  • unchanging basic principles of decentralization;
  • a high level of stability, because cryptocurrency was able to survive after numerous hacker attacks;
  • liquidity. For the history of their existence, ETC when the volumes in it exceeded the volume of trading ETH, today occupying a sustainable second place in the cryptocurrency rating;
  • A stable community has been formed.
  • History of occurrence

    The story of Ethereum Classic is quite dramatic. Initially, there was only Ethereum, at the start of the project “The Dao”, which quickly gained popularity and attracted millionth investments.
    However, further the theft of funds occurred, after which the developers decided to change the blockchain, making a “rollback” of the system, which a large number of community participants opposed. It is noteworthy that the backbone of the group was from Russia.

    The result of ups and downs was the separation of the platform into two, and was born Ethereum Classic. As a result, the Ethereum Classic platform works on the originally created blockchain, with the inability to cancel smart contracts or change their results.
    The largest exchange contributed to the rapid growth of the popularity of ETC. Polonix (Poloniex) placed it on its site and gave the starting impulse, soon supported by other exchanges.


  • The basis of cryptocurrencies are smart (smart) contracts, and programs are executed on public units using the EVM virtual machine.
  • The date of appearance is July 30, 2015;
  • Website https: // Ethereumclassic.github.Io/;
  • Mining is based on the Proo-OF-WORK algorithm. It is also called one of the main disadvantages due to the complexity of the computational process and equipment requirements;
  • There is no restriction on the number of coins released. In total, at this time, it circulates 99 373 463 ETC;
  • Course, today, 29.$ 06;
  • At the time of writing this review, Ethereum Classic is in 19th place in terms of capitalization, which is 2,888,647,447 US dollars.
  • How to minute etc

    Ethrium mining Classic consists of several stages. You’ll need:

  • select a suitable pool;
  • register a wallet;
  • install a miner suitable for the operating system of your computer, and make the necessary settings;
  • control the result.
  • The most popular pools are:

  • Aikapool.Com
  • etc.2miners.Com
  • etc.Ethertrench.Com
  • Purse

    Cryptocurrency has its own wallet that is most suitable for operations with it. Ethereum classic wallets are available in the following versions:

  • classic version of Mist;
  • Browser extension of Classicetherwallet CX;
  • Wallet for mobile platforms Coinomi;
  • Offline version Ledger Nano S.
  • If you decide to download a classic wallet, then you should use the official site and take into account that at least 150 GB will be required on your computer hard drive. Save the secret key in a safe place, since in case of loss, access to the wallet will be lost irrevocably.
    More relevant for most users is the registration of an online wallet, or the use of one of the many exchanges where you can easily change ETC to other types of cryptocurrencies and carry out the output operations.
    The undoubted leader among ETC miners is Claymore, which has the following advantages:

  • Support for dual mode. Using Claymore, you will get the possibility of additional production of currencies by decreditation or siakoin, which will not lower the rate of ETC production;
  • the possibility of remote control and settings;
  • optimized open code;
  • Support for the Stratum protocol in all variations and working with pools without the use of proxies;
  • Failover functionality provides transitions to reserve servers;
  • optimal download of video cards;
  • the ability to select video cards and the function of acceleration;
  • DAG files are created in the memory of the video card, and not on the hard drive;
  • Indication of work parameters and detailed statistics.
  • ETC exchanges

    For the first time, the Bitsquare site began to trade tokens, after which the capitalization grew 8 times, after Poloniex became trading them, other sites also connected.
    To date, the top 5 sites on which about 70% of all operations with Ethereum Classic are performed is as follows:

    Altcoin Ethereum Classic is the very first competitor of bitcoin
  • OKEX
  • OKEX
  • ChBTC
  • Bitfinex
  • Buy and sell etc

    You can sell and buy ETC cryptocurrency on the exchanges of the above. How to replenish your account and replenish the account with various options, is described in detail in the rules of each exchanges. Despite the high popularity in our country, it is impossible to buy Efirium classic directly for rubles. Therefore, you will have to overpay and initially change them to US dollars, and only then buy etc for them.
    You can also buy Ethereum Classic using the services of one of the many exchangers on the Internet.

    Course and prospects

    Like the vast majority of other cryptocurrencies, the ETH course has high volatility, it has sharp ups and downs. Certain fears among investors are possible for unlimited coins, which cannot but cause inflation. Initially, few people believed in Ethereum a classic, believing that all the prospects “pulled” his hard-sore BTH, which today has become an older brother ETC. However, after the cryptocurrency was supported by the community and investors, we can confidently say that she has a future, and a rather promising.

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