Ethereum and Ethereum Classic coins, as well as Lido DAO and Optimism tokens are now supported by the Binance Savings platform for fixed savings.

Fixed savings allow you to earn interest for storing cryptocurrency for a certain fixed period. Binance has expanded the list of cryptoassets available for fixed savings by adding ETH, ETC, LDO and OP. What conditions does each of the new cryptoassets offer:
0.001 ETH lot size
0.05 ETH limit
3.6% annual interest rate
2500 ETH total capitalization
0.1 ETC lot size
2 ETC limit
5% annual interest rate
400,000 ETC total capitalization
1 LDO lot size
30 LDO limit
4% annual interest rate
500,000 ETC total capitalization
1 OP lot size
25 LDO limit
5% annual interest rate
5,000,000 ETC total capitalization
The redemption period for all four assets is 120 days. Rewards will be calculated the next day after subscribing to fixed savings until the end of the subscription period, starting at 03:00 Kyiv time.

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